
Tips to Prioritize Your Mental Health

博客 | 05.23.2024

by The SMWC 咨询中心 工作人员

1. Make yourself a priority.
当你把心理健康放在首位时——你必须是第一位的! This can mean many things, such as engaging in meaningful self-care, 实践一种平衡的生活方式,确保你有足够的睡眠,这只是把你的功能放在第一位的几个方法. 把自己放在首位是非常个人化的——试着列出三件你可以做的事情,把自己放在首位.

2. Take a social media break.
Social media is an effective distraction – often too effective. Many of us get caught in the doom-scroll and forget the world around us. 每天花一个小时或更多的时间远离社交媒体可以帮助提高意识, 正念, connectivity and increase quality of sleep. 它还可以减少脱离感和自我与精心策划的形象的比较.

3. Practice meditation and/or 正念.
许多研究表明,冥想和正念提供了许多积极的好处. 即使每天只有五分钟的冥想或正念也能增强平静的感觉, 减少焦虑, increase self-awareness and reduce memory loss. If you struggle to meditate, 参与正念活动,比如涂颜色,可能也会带来类似的好处.

4. Avoid increased or heavy substance use.
对于许多成年人来说,在紧张的一天之后喝一杯含酒精的饮料是一件很常见的事情. 然而, 酒精和其他物质的使用会降低我们的功能,增加心理和情绪健康的负面症状. 适量服用是很重要的,如果你觉得自己可能过量服用,就要寻求帮助.

5. 去外面.
在社交媒体休息的同时建立一个很好的实践——走出去,与大自然接触,临床证明可以减轻压力. 参与户外活动也被证明可以培养人们的幸福感和管理意识. Even if you are not near a woods or park, 你仍然可以通过种植植物和每天花一些时间在户外接触大自然.

6. Cultivate connections.
Even introverts need social time! 人类是社会动物,归属感可以增强心理和情感的弹性. 与朋友、家人或其他团体共度有意义的时光是与社区建立联系的好方法. If you’re looking to build your social circle, look for community based classes, groups and sports to participate in.

7. 移动你的身体.
锻炼是另一种经临床证实的改善精神和情绪健康的方法. 然而, we often get caught up in what exercise is. Movement of any kind can provide significant benefits to mental health, so find something that you enjoy – cycling, 运行, 跳舞, 瑜伽, 网球, 走, hiking – and enjoy it frequently!

8. Explore playfulness.
Even adults need recess! Play is an important factor in reducing stress, increasing social connections and stimulating creativity. Play can include social interactions, 参与爱好或兴趣,参与游戏和挑战. Make sure you’re incorporating joy and laughter into your play.

9. Express gratitude daily.
表达感激并不意味着忽视生活中消极或困难的事情. 重要的是,在困难中,认识到那些继续提供光明和希望的事物. 在手机上记下每天让你感恩的三件事是一个寻找快乐的好习惯, hope and practicing 正念.

10. Reach out for help when needed.
Everyone will go through periods of life that are difficult, and many will experience negative mental health symptoms. 在这些时候寻求帮助是很重要的——无论是对家庭成员, 朋友, clergy or mental health professional. Learn about employee assistant programs, 如果需要的话,你所在地区的保险或社区精神健康机构可以提供额外的支持. 知道如何寻求和获得帮助可以减轻那些负面经历的负担和强度.

梅丽莎Grinslade, MSW, LCSW, campus counselor

梅丽莎Grinslade is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). Melissa在印第安纳大学获得社会工作硕士学位,并在印第安纳大学获得心理学学士学位. Melissa’s professional interests include eating disorder treatment, early childhood trauma and trauma work, personality disorders and affirming care. She enjoys incorporating art as therapy into the work that she does.  除了 to therapy, Melissa对培训充满热情,并监督硕士和学士学位学生的培训. 她致力于循证治疗和开发创新的预防和早期干预计划,以满足我们的情感健康需求. 她的专业经验包括在社区精神卫生领域工作, residential treatment, partial hospitalization treatment, 危机评估, college counseling and as a clinical director. Melissa has several certifications for 瑜伽 training, including Yoga for Mental Health, 并利用她的技能开发专注于情感健康的瑜伽外展体验. 除了, she is part of a grants task force, writing grants to help fund innovative programming ideas.

In her free time, Melissa loves being a mom. You will most often find her spending time with her family. She enjoys traveling, camping and curling up with a book to read. In her personal and professional life, 她鼓励每个人都要记住,那些让我们不舒服的事情是我们成长的最大机会. 

莎拉朱利安, MSW, LCSW, MCC campus counselor

莎拉朱利安 is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). 她在印第安纳州立大学获得社会工作硕士学位,并在印第安纳州立大学获得娱乐和体育管理学士学位,主修娱乐管理和青年领导. 她的经验包括与个人、儿童和家庭合作. Sara的专业经验包括在社区心理健康机构和大学咨询中心工作. Sara’s professional interests include relationship issues, early childhood trauma and mood and anxiety disorders. Sara also leans into ecotherapy, 哪一种治疗方法涉及到在大自然中促进心理健康. 萨拉的希望是能够在圣玛丽森林学院创建一个生态疗法项目, which has already created an eco-朋友ly environment for all.

When Sara is not in the office, she loves to be out in nature or spending time with 朋友s, family or many pets. 

艾玛·坎贝尔,13岁, ’21G, MLD, MCC mental health educator

艾玛·坎贝尔,13岁, ’21G, 担任圣玛丽森林学院正念大学联系的心理健康教育家. 她于2013年获得心理学学士学位,并于2021年获得领导力发展硕士学位,这两个学位都是在圣玛丽森林学院获得的. As part of her master’s thesis, 艾玛的研究主要集中在小型大学校园的学生心理健康症状监测和风险评估. 艾玛在高等教育领域工作了八年多,从事过各种活动和慈善事业. 她热衷于帮助学生建立弹性,并通过健康的应对技能改善他们的大学经历.


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| 05.29.2024年9点36分
Nice article and good reminders for summer! Thanks, Tricia Pierce